Monday, October 20, 2008

Just an hour ago I watched a show on Channel 8 called "Life transformers" (I suppose =X) Its seriously a check on reality and very touching. The show is about how the 2 hosts and a group of volunteers go down to a family that really really needs help from society, as in REALLY very in need of help. And today's family was a family of 4, of which 3 are low in IQ and only the 2nd brother was working. His pay was low as he is lowly educated. The house was in terrible conditions and household pests roamed the place like its their playground. The toilet was so so so dirty that my mother went away from the TV for a moment because she couldn't stand the sight. So the 2 hosts and volunteers came and cleaned the house, helped the family's small girl apply to go to school and submit application forms for financial subsidies.

After watching the show, it just reminds me to realise how fortunate we are.

Like how often

-Others want to go to school when we are raking our brains on how to skip school

-Dreaming of how big a house we want to stay in when others are sleeping under the overhead bridge

-Our next Gucci bag or eating at Crystal Jade restaurants while the poor are struggling to cope with 3 meals a day.

Im not trying to say we must be like them, or learn how to save. But how often do we keep check on ourselves and appreciate the things around us. Like how a simple factor in our daily lives can cause us so much suffering and troubles and ironically we do not acknowledge its presence nor appreciate its value. Perhaps we are just living in a world of ignorance and living each day not knowing what causes its completeness.

Sometimes I wonder why these people are made to suffer and their sufferings keep snowballing over and over again. They are poor, then they get ostracised from society, people verbally and mentally abuse them, blah blah blah. Karma? I dont know. =X

School has started for about a week and the workload this semester looks kinda tough. More practical skills involved and its a combination of what we've learnt in the earlier semesters. In others words, APPLICATION. And now Im stuck with the decision to go for Attatchment or not to go for it. Somehow the pros and cons weight each other out and its really hard to make a informed decision, considering many around me are also having a "sitting on the fence" mentality. Hmmmm.......

Joined the badminton club last sat for their first training for this semester. It seems kinda nice and the committee members explain the rules of the game really well. Some are quite knowledgable in the field of hitting techniques. Best is definitely free play session, 12pm to 4pm. WOW!!! =D

And anyway, just to end it off, I like this sentence from the Bible alot

"Forgive our sins Father Lord, as we forgive those who sinned against us"

Easy to say, hard to execute.

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