Friday, May 22, 2009

Ok now that my group accelerated our process to finish etching and with a super driller like me, we managed to start on our PCB board at 9am today =)

But with this comes another worry, which is the possibility of our PCB board not working =X

I brought the PCB board home to do and try perfecting the solder points because I really want to give my all for this project. This is my last push for my hard work over the last 2 years and I dont want this semester to pull my hard-maintained efforts down. I will make sure my soldering is to the best of my abilities, with that being desoldering and soldering it again because it does help some bit.

So tomorrow's my first driving revision lesson after not driving for 5 weeks and I hope to be able to recall everything fast. Because after tomorrow it will just mean another 3 more lessons before the driving test and I do not want to spend money and time on trying for it again so its just gonna be 1 good shot at it and DONE!

Feeling a little muscle strain these few days due to the increase in number of the push-ups and stretching I've been doing. I have a feeling NAPFA's round the corner and its certainly better to be more disciplined to train first before being told NAPFA's coming =D Well cos Im aiming for a gold or at least a silver. HAHAHA

Rest, sleep, then driving!!!! in another 10 hours!

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