Monday, March 03, 2008

Firstly,comgratulate me. Not on some big accomplishment, but that... I managed to play the simplified keyboard edition of FUR ELISE IN 20 MINS!!! I thought with the complexity of how the simplified version looked like, it would probably take me an hour or two, but just 20 mins is incredible. So Im gonna pump in more practise into it and then, I hope I can play it while closing my eyes. Hehe.. =D

Oh and erm gg to China in less than a week's time.Checked it out, we're going on SQ!!!!WHOO!! TERMINAL 3!!!! YESH!!! Its like all too good to be true. They said this was one of the most subsidised trips where the sch paid out abt 40k plus plus for us. And we're taking SQ, which means the air-tickets are quite ex and having an internal flight transfer to the other cities. Its all quite exciting but when the reports come its gonna be a dreadful thing....=(

And e-bay shopping is just so cool. I alr bought 2 items from e-bay in a week's span and both are in good and new condition. =)

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