Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Ok its not that I want Thurs to come faster but because weds is a long and tired day esp. during EECAD lessons. But the thing is you cant just "switch off" during EECAD lessons because you have to try and try and try to rectify your circuit board until it is PERFECT which means not a component or wire more/less. Whew, survived today's lesson. So fortunately the circuit board didnt give me problems when I did all the checks. =D

Bought this book called Mega Starz Hit Volume 12.Its a score book and yeah, a chi one. I was tracking it down for quite a number of weeks and YES, they finally delivered it to the bookstores. Inside there's XI JIE!,ZI YOU BU BIAN! and a few other nice songs but yeah, I bought it because of the presence of the first 2 songs. =P Tried playing it on the keyboard just now and ITS FREAK'IN HARD TO SIDE-READ THE SCORES! I was doing quite alot of manual counting on which chord is to be played next. Oh well, I think I gotta get my teacher to write down the various positions for me to make things easier but hey, at least I managed to get the chorus right today. =)

Just hope it doesn't rain tmr because its SOCCER DAY!

Unfamiliar Sorrow

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