Here are the some pictures, well, to keep this blog alive with photos instead of boring words. Well, trying to find the best platform to upload my photos, whether its Picasa or flickr or photobucket. Used Picasa and its uploading of photos to blogger was quite #$%#$. Havent tried their web album yet but if I just wanna post a few photos in here I guess its quite impractical to upload them on the web album. Like duh.
Alright, pressies for my 18th b'day. Only a few physical ones cos the rest comes in the form of crisp and nice smelling notes everyone would love to hold. Esp. the orange/brown coloured ones with loads of zeroes at the back. LOL.
Ahh the ipod touch touch! Mum sponsered quite abit for it while I cleared the rest of the sum! Thanks mama!
A Tigger handphone holder from my 2 close cousins. Thanks Joey and Jonathan!
A Sophie Kinsella book titled "Remember Me" from Dad. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to add in the Jack's Place Lunch and Marble Cheese Cake. Thanks Dad!
Okay that's all for my presents. I cant tell you how much I received lest some of you out there want me to sponser lunch or smth. Hahahahahahahaha.... Most importantly its the thought that counts so whether or not I do receive presents, a b'day wish is still enough.
P.S. Okay Im lying, who doesnt want more b'day presents! ~~~ Like dont you want money??
Now, its the NEW items I got myself for my b'day
Bought so many keychains from Japan. This is my present for myself! Cos its from overseas so its at least worth its price and add that on to 1 go-and-return air tickets. =)
Back to Fourier series. =(
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