Monday, October 10, 2005


Ah, just simply cant forget about Full house. So nice. Mum wants to burn the DVD so that she can keep it. In yesterday's episode, quite a lot of "unusual stuff" took place. Rain cleaning the house and the signing of a new contract.

Now, it is time for charactor analysis. Rain is quite stubborn in the drama. Does not express what he wants in a polite way. Often shouting at "Three bears". However he is very easily satisfied, only after having fun disturbing the " three bears". Also, his cheeky smile will make one think that he is up to something funny again. Rain does not like to show his true feelings, always denying it when others expose him. Overall, a funny charactor but with a bad temper. Oh, forgot to add in that he is quite thoughtful too, considering the fact that he went out to look for the "three bears" in the rain but still did not manage to find her.

"three bears" is another funny one. Always giving nicknames to Rain, simple, funny but yet unforgettable nicknames. She is quite straight to the point too, always pointing out her discontentment. "three bears" is very helpful, always helping Grandma with the vegetable field,but always giving her a high blood pressure whenever she does something wrongly. "three bears" is very action packed. Her hands are most of the time in the air whenever Rain askes her to do stuff she does not like. Anyone around her would find her very nice to get along with, cause of her great humuor which can make those around her laugh. Overall, a cute, funny, action packed and sentimental girl.

Going to put the Full house theme song into the blog soon. That would be wonderful.

oh yeah, I am sorry tweety bird. I just cant figure out how to put a cbox into the blog, cos I am only good with the xbox. lol. Seeya soon!!

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