Friday, October 07, 2005

Soon, Soon

Soon, the exams will be over.In like a matter of days. Chemistry was managable( I dare not say easy) and Geog was like ok, came out what I expected. Learnt 5 topics in like 3 hours. Then could not resist the temptation so went to watch full house. After half an hour of watching, Mum, who watched till 12.30 with Bro and Dad, chased me off to bed. Never mind. Still able to watch it on Saturday. Forgot to leave three lines after every sub question. Wonder what will happen to me for that. Oh then that LALA Bird was trying to ask me what Qns I did during the collection of the paper. Just told her to keep quiet, in case I get into another round of cheating investigations. Now listening to Rain's full house theme song. Listened to it like for about 50 times but still not tired of it.

Oh the three bears accepted the apology. Yeah and she made use of the opportunity to "qiao wo yi bi"(chinese pinyin) Asked me to give her so many soft toys. Think what, I am the boss of the soft toy shop ah? So decided to give one at a time, or else I will be broke. Going off to learn E-maths, at least have to get a A for it. Going off now then. Seeaya after the exams

Eh, I got call Sng Yu Han name so many times until long enough to get into the Guiness book of world records meh? If that is the case, then the number of times the abbreviation MSPYT mentioned by YC would also be sufficent to qualify

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