Monday, January 09, 2006

Rainy day

It has been raining for the past few days. I think the weather will last till the Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, caught the Ren Ci Charity show last night. The most touching part of the show was the Chairman of the organisation, Ming Yi fa shi, doing the stunt on the 66th story. It certainly is not easy doing that in the midst of strong winds and slight rain, with the parallel bars being slippery. However he made it. Upon knowing that the number of phone calls were not reaching the target, he sort of allowed tears to flow down from his face, and he appealed to Singaporeans to donate. Well, I certainly do not think that the NKF incident is a good excuse not to donate to other charities. If they are going to be transparent about where their funds are going to, why not give them a chance? It is just like the example of labelling a class as a lousy class just when 1 person does something wrong. I am quite sure if anyone was in such a situation, especially Singaporeans, they would complain for unfairness and that it is not the right way to judge a class based on the fact that 1 person in the class does something wrong. Same principle applies here.
So, I do hope that those who considered the NKF incident as a good excuse not to donate to charities to reconsider their thoughts.

You give me strength, You give me hope
You give me someone to love, someone to hold
When I am in your arms I need You to know
I have never been, never been
I have never been, never been
This Close............

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