Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Looking at it more really makes my blood BOIL!!How can Marcus be out of the competition.Highest marks and out. But certainly, 1 thing that makes me think that he's really a superstar, is his gracious-ness. Truely, his parents really expressed their heart-felt thanks to those who supported Marcus through this tough journey. Marcus also did something very gentle-manly, which is to congratulate those who made it to the finals and I definitely think that this is very gracious of him to do so. It does reflect well on his up-bringing and his character. How many contestants and their parents go up to the stage to so sincerely thank those who supported their child be it in terms of SMS-ing to support them or going down to the studio to cheer for them. To give a simple analogy, its like being the top student in the class yet unable to clinch the scholarship,which is being awarded to someone else who isn't as good as you in term of academic grades, but has good support from others. However, you still go on to thank those who helped you along the way and to congratulate those who got it. Let me say this, only a slight percentage of people placed in this situation would go on graceful to conduct themselves because most of the time, we would just rant and nag and think about how unfair it is for those who deserve it not to get it. But this time round, Marcus did well and it does reflect well on the school too. Once again, all the best Marcus and yeah, you're truely a superstar. For those who want to see what happened during the last part of the results show, yup,I've posted the video from Youtube here. Oh yeah, before I forget, I think its great to know that Marcus has mastered the song "Wo Ke Yi", the song which he sang in his first round of the competition but could not reach the high pitch at the various sections of the song. So, finally, before he goes out of it, he has truely sung it well and its great once again to listen to him sing my favourite song.He really gave his very best in this last song he's going to sing on the stage. JIAYOU MARCUS!! =)

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