Saturday, December 02, 2006

SHAG AH... The only thing I have to say today.. Played tennis, then hit the gym, then swam and finally bball... All in a day, within 8 hs.. My arms are not aching surprisingly but my knee-cap feels a little uncomfortable.. Well, apart frm those camps tt I hv attended, I hv never done so much exercise before.. But, the reward at the end of it all, bbq sotong and stingray, not forgetting my fav chinese sausage.. HAHA

I have recently discovered tt Bosco Wong is starring in a number of shows, the 7pm show on channel U, the 8pm show on channel 55, the 9pm show on channel 55 and the 10pm show on channel U.. I was like watching these shows and then hah, came to this amazing discovery.. Grandma said he acts quite well and yah, I agree tt his acting has really improved alot.. But Ron Ng and Joe Ma are still my number 1 idol fer TVB dramas.. (PS, my cousins are Ron Ng fans and so I got influenced by them, cant imagine them being a member of every Ron Ng forum available)

I have received my 1st Christmas present ystd!! Its a backpack frm my mum's friend.. I just teared open the present without seeking mum's permission and she was like" So fast open alr? Not christmas yet leh" Well, bro got an OP bag..

Recently, I found out frm the internet and frm a friend of mine, tt height is not only determined by your daily diet, genes and exercise.. Another factor for growth is your emotional well-being.. Studies shown tt a depressed person would experience more hindrance in growth than those who are optimistic.. Frm what I read, the reason is due to the release of growth hormones. If you are depressed most of the time, your body will not release growth hormones as much as when you are feeling happier.. These growth hormones are vital in some kinda special way. So the bottom line? When you are happier, you grow taller!! =)

I just want you to know, no matter what happens, me being there for you is never a lie, its a unbreakable promise..... from me.. to you.

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